서브비주얼 영역

A game that's not just for 'me' but for
'Everyone' to enjoyDeveloping games that everyone can find fun
not targeting a specific audience,
we base our development targeting popularity.
We analyze and study success stories,
establish fun elements. -
Continuous Growth to breakthrough limits
We hope to become better than yesterday,
both as ‘individuals’ and as a ‘company’.
We don't stop at results, we reflect on the past,
analyze problems, and improve. -
Communicating freely
ONE TeamWe encourage a development culture where everyone
participates in brainstorming, freely exchanging ideas
about development, sharing each other's work,
and providing direction in the CANNON CRACKER Conference.
The synergy from work and everyday communication creates
brilliant ideas and builds stronger relationships.
For Endless Ideas!
Not only through CANNON CRACKER's unique development culture,
but the company also continuously strives to enhance employees'
satisfaction through a clean and spacious office environment and
various organizational culture programs.
Comfortable environment
*Top-of-the-line PCs and motion desks
with creative -
Same/Similar Job Position Communication through
*Know-how day A time to share various cases and know-hows between different projects.
Naturally accumulating
*Book fee support + various educational programs
Everyone together
*A weekly CANNON CRACKER conference for project-related reviews and discussions
Assured rewards for effort
*Incentive system + Longevity rewards for
3/5/7/10 years of service + Travel expenses -
Surprise EVENTS that pop up unexpectedly